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A Parent’s Guide to Raising Spiritual Champions

A Parent’s Guide to Raising Spiritual Champions

A Parent’s Guide to Raising Spiritual Champions: Equipping Kids to Stand Strong in Today’s Culture

By Becky Fischer


At one time in American history, it was assumed most children who came from Christian families would grow up to be followers of Christ. But in today’s culture the great delusion is for Christian parents is to assume their children will become devout Christians simply because they are being raised in a Christian home, or because parents take them to Sunday School occasionally. While that might have been enough “back then” for a young person to dedicate their lives to Jesus, it is not true today.


Competing ideologies are speaking loudly in our children’s world, and they are not prepared in most cases to know how to stand against them. The fight is real. So what can parents do to equip their children to be steadfast followers of Jesus throughout their entire lives? While there is no magic bullet, this book gives critical information parents need to give them a solid foundation that is not easily uprooted.


“Becky Fischer has been training the next generation to be the very thing their generation is desperate for: young people ablaze with the glory and fire of the Holy Spirit. Years ago, I remember watching video footage of Becky’s Jesus Camps, and thought to myself: THAT is what is missing in mainline Christianity when it comes to raising up the next generation. The baptism of the Holy Spirit, impartation, intercession, and encounter. These things never become irrelevant. They are exactly what the earth is waiting for. And I believe Becky Fischer is raising up a company of next generation firebrands who are answering the very groan of a broken creation. This book absolutely trains, equips, and prepares young people to become the supernatural solution the world needs. It’s a very important book that is definitely ‘for such a time.’ “

Larry Sparks
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