There is a bondage that we as Christians don’t even know that we can be influenced by. A life limited, not seeming to have access to all of the promises we hear about on Sunday or read in the Word of God. We try to act the part, attend church, say the right things, and bring our families and yet we know the fruit is fake and wonder if this is all that there is. The life that God has for us in His finished work is available in abundance, it just simply needs to be known & worked out!
But how?
Salvation means our past was wiped away, so why does life look the same as before?
We have access to EVERYTHING but have to discover what "everything is" and how to access it. ALL THINGS are available to us we just have to take time to discover, hear and know how to receive it in this ALL NEW LIFE in Christ. It will not happen by attending church on Sunday alone. God unveils by His Spirit through intentional steps the specific plan for our lives and how to walk it out in victory every day. We do not have to go through life guessing "Is this God’s plan" and never experience the peace or rest that comes with knowing that we are living in it, now.
We will discover over seven steps how through the Word He has shown us exactly how to live in HIS PERFECT PLAN, destroy old ways of thinking and establish this NEW LIFE with ease. He did it so that we can live it! Wrong understanding built on experience has been given permission to guide believers' lives for too long. Today you will be equipped to step into the fullness of God’s plan for your every day.
And it all begins with the Root.
New Life Thinking Must Come First
We must dump the fake fruit! Let's get to the ROOT. This book will help people discover areas of their life where they are finding identity apart from Him, and discover how simple, contagious, and powerful life can be when they see themselves clearly in Christ, pulling their very being from their ROOT in Him. When we establish the ROOT we produce His FRUIT!
Authors. Speakers. Disciplers.
Josh and Kate are the best teachers on discipleship and how to live our new lives in Christ. They are passionate about connecting generations with a common spiritual language so that revival can grow within families, and then invade churches and communities.
Learn more about scheduling one or both of them to speak!